
To the highest bidder . .

I haven't talked this with Jim yet, but I think I've had a brillant idea. As I was talking to AJ and she was whinning that she wants to know the sex of the baby it struck me - it shall go to the highest bidder. Why not? People are auctioning off evey other weird thing on ebay - why can't we auction this off and make a little cash?

AJ says that automatically means she's out of the running, but I told her she could always go in with someone. :-)

So I've found something else I want - but I want it different - I know, that makes no sense. I'm pregnant, I don't have to make sense. It's the street sign for a library - how cool is that?

I have also found an awesome site. A number of the items on my wishlist came from sites referenced here.

I also got a book out of the library that I think is pretty fun - "Everything I need to know about being a girl I learned from Judy Blume" I believe it is short stories by famous female authors about Judy Blume and her impact on their lives (duh, the title kind of says that). I'll let you know how it is.

1 comment:

Karen said...

You crack me up! Only you would think of doing that, but it's BRILLIANT! Let me know if it works! :-)