Describes both moving me around and the POD that will be coming to our house on Tuesday. With some help from AJ's defunct China fund (thanks AJ and Nan!) we are renting a POD for a month. We'll empty the first floor into that and then get carpet and then bring things back in. We can move things between the two rooms upstairs as long as I pack up some of the nick nacks to the third floor. There's too much stuff in the first floor to be able to move it between rooms.
We had such a great time with the Meat Machine gang and got a ton of great gifts.
Next shower is 11/3, the Thomas family (although the only Thomases will be mom and Amy) and then the Schmidt shower 11/18. Hopefully Packs-a-lot (Jim picked, I'm pretty sure it's a reference to how much stuff we have to pack up into the POD) will hold out until then. We had to take all of the shower gifts to Amy's because we don't have room and would only end up putting them in the POD anyway.
On a Nan update. We still don't know much. I think at this point Nan has decided that she wants to go home. She's moving in with mom and dad and will have out patient chemo once a week. This and blood transfusions should help keep her even keel for, hopefully, several months, but of course they can't make any guarantees. It sucks. We went over to the box today and moved some furniture. We'll have to get a hospital bed, but it's good timing since Amy recently moved out.
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