We had a great time, but discovered that the back seat of the truck is not big enough for mom, me, and the baby (Cubby last week - being in Chicago and all).
We hit IKEA, did some damage, saw AJ, and came home. I didn't have a baby, my water didn't break. It was a good trip.
On Tuesday I woke up short of breath with my heart racing. It didn't go away. Karen ended up taking me to labor & delivery where we spent the day hooked up to monitors. Long story short - Cubby and I are okay, things are good to go.
On Wednesday Mom took Nan to the hospital, she's been short of breath and so tired. They admitted her and started doing tests.
On Thursday we found out that Nan has Acute Leukemia. Without treatment they initially have given her 2-4 weeks. That's not enough time she "has to see this baby," so we took her to Good Sam. Sam is the baby name of the week - we'll be spending a lot of time there.
They have scanned, poked, and prodded almost every part of Nan. She's gotten blood and she's on oral meds for chemo. On Monday all the doctors (I think we're up to 6 or 7) will put their heads together to figure out if she has a second type of cancer or not. If she does, there will be no treatment, if she doesn't - we'll give it all we've got with the chemo.
This week sucks. Yet through it all Nan is still worried about her hair, putting on her lip stick, and we're all laughing and sharing stories and generally making the most of what time we may have left.
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