
Dead Ducks Tell No Tales

So for those of you who don't know, which shouldn't be any of you, JT's first birthday party will be a duck-tacular experience. We've got rubber ducks going out the keester and I am making this a party that he will never remember, but the rest will never forget.

As part of this process I've invoked my Martha genes and dove into polymer clay. It's something I've thought about getting into, but never really had the reason - so I made up a reason.

I created these adorable ducks to use as decorations for the party. I was so excited about them. I was waiting to get the little hooks I needed before baking them so they sat on the bookshelf and made me smile every time I looked at my rubber duck army. Over the weekend I got the hooks and rushed home to put them in the ducks and finally bake them - sealing their cuteness forever. I thought I remembered the temp. and I knew I baked my sample one for about 20 minutes. After 15 I smelt something funny . . . the kitchen was full of smoke . . . my nose burned . . . apparently I thought wrong about the temperature.
I killed the ducks. Burnt into a green/black murkiness that took away all aspects of cuteness. I had killed them all. Devastated isn't even the right word - I was horrified! All that work, all that cuteness - gone!
I've now realized that they can be rebuilt - we have the technology . . . look for newer and better ducks, and double checking the oven temperature on the package!


Karen said...

OMG!!!! Those ducks were so awesome! I am so sorry! Kinda like using salt instead of sugar in the cookies, but this sucks much more! :-(

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about the ducks! They were so adorable and we were just talking about them. I really hope that you are able to get them remade!