
Dissed by George

On Sunday we did as the Milanese do and fled the city. We jumped on a train and headed first to Varenna, a very small village along Lake Como. The ride out was beautiful, crossing the Italian country side and then lining the lake.

Varenna is built into the side of a cliff so to get anywhere you have to climb steps. I'm convinced that everyone in Varenna has awesome legs.

We explored some of the gardens and took a zillion pictures of the amazing view. We then jumped on a ferry to Bellagio. We booked tickets on the rapido boat to Como and went for lunch on a phenomenal veranda overlooking the lake.
We had lake fish (complete with the heads) and some other dishes that were good but I now can't remember.

The guys managed to find a shop with wonderful gifts, but I was too busy trying to find something to take care of an unexpected visit from Aunt Flo. There is nothing in Bellagio - just in case it ever happens to you. So I missed out on the one good shop - thanks Mother Nature.

The rapid boat took us to Como and while I'd love to say I waved at George as we went my his villas I have no clue which was his as there were all gorgeous. The Farmacias were all closed but luckily some nice hotel workers pointed me in the direction of a souvenir shop that sold Aunt Flo accessories. We explored the streets, but most of the shops were closed since it was Sunday. I did manage to buy some scarves and pashmina made in Como from Como silk.

From Como we took the "direct" train, which stopped 8 times, back to Milan. We jumped on the Metro to Navigali (or wherever we went Friday night) and got dinner and walked the canal.
The street vendors were out in full force, but didn't really have anything unique. The 'skeeters are really bad in this area so we made the trip short and headed back to the hotel. We had layers of sweat and stink on us and our feet were sore for the second day.
I decided to stay in this morning, having stimulated enough of the European economy. We have interviews until 7 so I'm sure we'll have a wonderful dinner somewhere and then head back to pack. I fly out tomorrow at 11:50 - 5:50 home time and get home around 9, 3 am my body's time. Doesn't matter - as long as I get home to my boys tomorrow night!

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