I love those kinds of days where tears of laughter make your belly feel like it couldn't possibly function anymore.
When you feel as if the veins in your head will burst.
When your have no breath to continue.
When you feel like you might have to change your underwear.
And when you think there couldn't be anything more funnier to laugh at - you look at the other persons face and wonder where you will have the energy to find more air to conjure up more snorts.
When you feel as if the veins in your head will burst.
When your have no breath to continue.
When you feel like you might have to change your underwear.
And when you think there couldn't be anything more funnier to laugh at - you look at the other persons face and wonder where you will have the energy to find more air to conjure up more snorts.
Add to that Amy turning JT into "Pants Head" and it was a good night.
On Saturday JT went for a walk with Daddy - first time in the umbrella stroller - seems pretty chilled to me.
He's still flipping over on his tummy - but then he pulls his knees up, sticks his butt in the air, and stays that way most of the night. It's pretty darn cute.
We "volunteered" to work the March of Dimes this morning - very early, very busy. The turn out was amazing and they even ran out of wrist bands. We had a chance to check out all the cool strollers and wagons to see which ones we liked better.
We then went to a baby shower with 2 cakes - one telling the truth "Hello Daddy, goodbye sex" and one telling a lie "Hello Mummy, goodbye tummy" JT was his usual adorable self and even fell asleep in the midst of a crowded, noisy room.
All in all a good weekend. I head to LA on Tuesday - 2 nights this time. I'm gonna have to bring Toots back somethin' good!
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