
A Good Weekend

A few times a week I search a few sites for digital scrapbook freebies. There's a lot of freebies to be had. While searching tonight I came across this web site and the following post:

I love those kinds of days where tears of laughter make your belly feel like it couldn't possibly function anymore.
When you feel as if the veins in your head will burst.
When your have no breath to continue.
When you feel like you might have to change your underwear.
And when you think there couldn't be anything more funnier to laugh at - you look at the other persons face and wonder where you will have the energy to find more air to conjure up more snorts.

We had a moment like this on Friday. GAJ is in town and we hung out at Nan's house to have dinner after GAJ and mom had been cleaning. Abbey (3) called and recited the national anthem and then immediately began singing My Country Tis a'Thee. We silently howled at how cute it was, for she sang with all her heart. Add that to Dad's story of ordering cheese coneys at White Castles and we were crying - one of those good cries that leaves you winded and wiping your eyes. It was wonderful.

Add to that Amy turning JT into "Pants Head" and it was a good night.

On Saturday JT went for a walk with Daddy - first time in the umbrella stroller - seems pretty chilled to me.

He's still flipping over on his tummy - but then he pulls his knees up, sticks his butt in the air, and stays that way most of the night. It's pretty darn cute.

We "volunteered" to work the March of Dimes this morning - very early, very busy. The turn out was amazing and they even ran out of wrist bands. We had a chance to check out all the cool strollers and wagons to see which ones we liked better.

We then went to a baby shower with 2 cakes - one telling the truth "Hello Daddy, goodbye sex" and one telling a lie "Hello Mummy, goodbye tummy" JT was his usual adorable self and even fell asleep in the midst of a crowded, noisy room.

All in all a good weekend. I head to LA on Tuesday - 2 nights this time. I'm gonna have to bring Toots back somethin' good!


I'm the old, crabby neighbor

We have a rental property next to our house. Some of the renters have been good, some have been bad. We can't really tell about the current - there's a zillion kids always over and we aren't sure which live there and which don't.

Tonight I'm sitting in the family room watching TV and adding more fabulous items to my Kaboodle list and I hear teenagers. Ugh, teenagers. I wouldn't mind if they were walking up the street and making a little noise - but they stop, in front of our house, making noise. They really weren't being that loud and I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt. I waited, they talked, some yelled. I looked out the blinds so they would notice, they talked, about me looking out the blinds. I turned on the lights, they talked, about me turning on the lights, they yelled.

Finally I opened the door "Hey guys, I've got a baby trying to sleep, move along." That wasn't too crabby, was it? I though I handled it well - yet I saw nasty looks on faces as they walked into the house next door, the rental. I didn't even know they had teenagers living there!

So we'll see how many eggs are smashed on our cars when we get up in the morning . . .


Where should I buy the replacement?

I asked Jim to send me a pic of JT last night, as I was missing him horridly. This is grainy as it's from his cell phone - but you can see the bib-less JT covered in squash and cereal. According to Jim "we don't need no stinkin bibs."
Issue is, this is a borrowed shirt, so the question is . . . Karen, where do I buy you a replacement?


Here we go again

As I sit at the airport heading to ATL again, I look back over the last week or so.

We added peas and squash - he liked both. Hmmm, imagine that - he's going to be a good eater.

We went to the dog park for the first time. He apparently had a lot to tell them. Probably about how when he eats he likes to give the dogs his food covered hands so they lick them!

We pimped out the JT-mobile. We call it the portable office.

We moved our friends to their "big boy" house and started wearing shorts to show off the "ham hocks". All in all it's been a good week.


Green Beans!

We added oatmeal to the menu a few days ago, so we were able to add green beans today. You can see how well they go over . . .

The last few nights he wakes up frustrated because he has rolled onto his stomach. During tummy time this evening he rolled from his back to his front and then back to his back! Let's see if he can remember how to do that in the middle of the night!


Break on through . . .

Apparently I've used this title before - it popped up as an auto complete. I think the last time I was asking Toots to break through my water and be born. This time it refers to his teeth - yes I said teeth!

At 19 weeks Grandma felt a tooth cutting through, the next morning it had brought a friend!

They're just barely showing, but you can feel them. Hopefully that explains the few bad nights of sleep.

On another note we went to the doctor for Toot's 4 month. His head is 17 inches, he is 27 1/4 inches tall (100%), and weights 18.4 pounds (95%). He's wearing 6-12 month clothing and his favorite thing is standing. The shots and teeth have had him running a fever off and on. Poor thing woke up this morning with a 102.5 fever, but he was still smiling!

We've really seen his motor skills improve the past few weeks. He's enjoying toys more - especially the exersaucer (The Office). He takes his play very seriously. He even has an exersaucer at Mimi and Poppy's too (The Branch Office).

We've added oatmeal to the eating schedule and will add one new food every 3 days until we've worked through veggies and fruits. We had been feeding him in his rocker in the living room - but as soon as we add in food with color I think we'll be moving into the kitchen!

Last Sunday we took Toots Geocashing for the first time. We hit several different sites and found all but one. You can see he was enthralled. We stopped that morning and got a hiking backpack for him - the soft sided carrier just wasn't cutting it anymore. This works much better and I even took him for a walk with both dogs this week.


What a Shower Gift

Heck, given the last few nights with Tooters I'd fly her in now!

Hush-a-bye Baby is a leading provider of personalized services for busy families in locating the right nanny for your home. The safety and security of having someone you can trust in your home with your children is invaluable. Each nanny is interviewed and screened, with references provided, to perfectly match the specific needs of your family. The specific services we offer are: Permanent full-time and part-time nannies; Night-nanny/sleep-trainers; Sleep-training consulting.

You deserve a good night's sleep. Many years of childcare experience have proven to me that well-rested parents can do more for their children's well-being than tired parents. Although tired parents do a good job of "getting through the day," they tend to be too tired to do much else. This is where I can help! I started this business for babies and parents. When parents get a good night's sleep, they wake up feeling rested and ready to start their day with their children. I've seen over time that babies respond to a well-rested, happy parent in a very positive and reassured way. The babies are more relaxed because YOU are more relaxed--making feedings and playtime much more enjoyable, and making naptimes easier to accomplish.

I want you to know that I am here to assist you through these next few months. I understand that is is an exciting time for you and your babies, yet it is also an exhausting time. I will be pleased to do anything I can to help you. I promise that once you and your babies are sleeping through the night that it is a whole new world for you and your family.


You better listen up!

Sorry folks - this has been sitting in my posts just waiting for me to hit a button. We are all feeling better and actually got out for some fun yesterday. I'll post more about that later. In the meanwhile, enjoy the sweet tunes of JT . . .