When you pay to subscribe then I'll post more frequently.
I know, I know - you've been waiting. We have many, many things to discuss.
Let's start with JT's actual birthday - the Wednesday before Thanksgiving both Jim and I took off. We hit the children's museum thanks to free tixs from Karen. I'm not sure which of my boys had more fun! Luckily we went early so by the time it got crowded we were ready to leave.
Thanksgiving was 2 houses and 2 meals - but JT ate everything. I think turkey and stuffing is a new favorite.
Then, the birthday party. The day went by so fast, but everyone said they had fun and the cake was wonderful. I wish I had a picture of JT at the end of the night. He played hard and was exhausted at the end. Poor little thing looked like a walking zombie.
Here are all of the Flickr pics:
Now I'm all about the cake shot - that's what the first birthday party is all about. JT wasn't really happy while eating his cake so I figured we'd give it another shot. I expected carnage, complete and total destruction. But he didn't seem to be interested. I finally cheated and smeared a little icing on his face, he didn't seem to appreciate it.
I ordered a toddler size Santa hat and have been trying very hard to get a good picture of him. Supposedly Pam has several, I'm hoping they are better than this one. I know there's a hilarious caption for it, but I'm too tired right now.

Today we went downtown with Jan and Don, Macy's had Santa in for DIY pictures. I know that kids are sometimes scared of Santa, but I never really expected it of JT. I was wrong. This is one of the few "usable" pictures. However I like the video better, it shows the scene. I couldn't get it to upload here, but you can see it here -
His scrapbook is finished (finally) and off to the printer. I still have a list of things to get done before Christmas, but that's a good chunk off my mind.
Ok - so there's the update. Are the masses satisfied ;-)
Don't Blink . . .

JT's first birthday was celebrated with a family trip to the doctor for shots, the children's museum where both of my boys were into everything, a trip to the toy store, and ice cream with the family at Greaters.
Thanksgiving was highly successful - two houses, two full bellies. The boy likes his turkey with all the fixins!
I attempted the Black Friday madness this morning and then retreated to the condo convinced that I am not medicated enough to deal with the madness. Besides, I have to get ready for tomorrow's shindig
For those who did not make the exclusive guest list . . .
(details have been removed to prevent throngs of fans rushing the exclusive Estate where it will be held)
Sick, again . . . still
JT is sick again, or still - who can keep track. Seems like the poor thing has been sick since we got back from vacation. We were at the doctor last week and they said it was teething and the leftovers from the ear infection. Now he's coughing up a lung and still covered in snot. We're waiting to hear if we'll have a repeat doctor trip today or if we're going to try another med that will inevitably have a $50 co-pay.
T-minus 9 days and counting, he has to get better for his birthday!
T-minus 9 days and counting, he has to get better for his birthday!
Happy Weenie-Hallow!

The great thing about having children who can't speak or really form their own opinions is that you can dress them however you like!
Karen, Kris, and I decided to go with the Star Wars theme - Chewy, Yoda, Princess Leia, and Darth Vader . . . and Scooby. There's always one ;-) but as you'll see, even Scooby eventually turned to the dark side!
I think I now understand the phrase "herding cats" - I can't believe we actually got this picture!

My boys - aren't they adorable!
or-treating, but once he realized there was candy in the deal he was thrusting his little hands into bowls and grabbing as much as possible. Who would say no to Yoda?
Of course - more pics can be found at Flickr

This is just hysterical - someone online dressed their daughter as Gallagher for a party at the aquarium, she was then a watermelon on Halloween!
Only 17 pages to go . . .
My goal is to have JT's scrapbook up-to-date by his birthday. I've done the math and that means I have to do 4 pages a week (one week I'll do 5) until his birthday. I've added the four I completed last week (scroll all the way down for those) so that leaves me with 17 more pages. I guess I should stop blogging and get going . . .
Welcome to Toy Land - now move the &*$$ out of my way!
Saturday Karen, Kris, and I woke early and hit the Hamilton County Fairgrounds. We arrived at 7:15 to join a line of 30+. We were all waiting for the same thing . . . cheap toys. After a scary as heck trip to the restroom the doors opened at 8 and we surged into the warehouse.
Talk about chaos. Anyone that remembers McAlpins Midnight Madness sales will appreciate this toy sale. You grabbed - anything and everything! We shoved toys into garbage bags and pushed our way through narrow aisles. Experienced shoppers had parked their husbands along the walls and in corners, throwing full bags at them and heading out for more. It was hunting and gathering - in reverse.
Once you'd pushed your way through the aisles you scurried off with your kill, snarling at others who may look towards your catch. Less desirable items were cast off, to be picked over by others. We surveyed the cast offs of others, grabbing those few things we found worthy.
I cam home with a box of toys 6 times the size of JT. Some items are gifts, others will be tucked away until spring, a few will find their way to his birthday party, or under our tree.
JT had spent the night before with Mimi and Poppy so after picking him up we stopped at the park. He toddled around the playground until he discovered mulch. Apparently it is quite tasty, even better when it's topped with dirt!
Sunday was a relaxing day of naps and PJs. There was a lot to get done, but we let it sit. I'd like to say it was a conscious decision to spend the time with our son, but we were really just lazy.
Tonight I finished JT's birthday party invite. I'll post it once they get mailed out, no sneak previews!
Talk about chaos. Anyone that remembers McAlpins Midnight Madness sales will appreciate this toy sale. You grabbed - anything and everything! We shoved toys into garbage bags and pushed our way through narrow aisles. Experienced shoppers had parked their husbands along the walls and in corners, throwing full bags at them and heading out for more. It was hunting and gathering - in reverse.
Once you'd pushed your way through the aisles you scurried off with your kill, snarling at others who may look towards your catch. Less desirable items were cast off, to be picked over by others. We surveyed the cast offs of others, grabbing those few things we found worthy.
I cam home with a box of toys 6 times the size of JT. Some items are gifts, others will be tucked away until spring, a few will find their way to his birthday party, or under our tree.
JT had spent the night before with Mimi and Poppy so after picking him up we stopped at the park. He toddled around the playground until he discovered mulch. Apparently it is quite tasty, even better when it's topped with dirt!
Sunday was a relaxing day of naps and PJs. There was a lot to get done, but we let it sit. I'd like to say it was a conscious decision to spend the time with our son, but we were really just lazy.
Tonight I finished JT's birthday party invite. I'll post it once they get mailed out, no sneak previews!
Snot, drool, and tears . . . oh my!
Poor JT - he's sick . . . again and he's just cut his 8th tooth. So there's drool from the tooth, snot from the cold, and tears from all of it combined. He's being a trooper though, smiling as much as he can. Here's a little "best of" footage from the last week or so.
Waiting on a Woman
I love Brad Paisley - this is one of his most recent and I cry every time I watch it. It takes me back to "parking" Papa on a bench and telling him "don't let anybody steal you" while we shopped.
Yes J, I know you're crying - I warned you when I said I cried!
Yes J, I know you're crying - I warned you when I said I cried!
It's good to be home - snot and all
I've been enjoying my day with my boys although I could do without the constant flow of snot from JT's nose. I'm wondering if he has alergies, I can't imagine another cold so soon.
My bag showed up around 12 so all is right with the world, Carrie World at least.
My bag showed up around 12 so all is right with the world, Carrie World at least.
Dead Ducks Tell No Tales
So for those of you who don't know, which shouldn't be any of you, JT's first birthday party will be a duck-tacular experience. We've got rubber ducks going out the keester and I am making this a party that he will never remember, but the rest will never forget.
As part of this process I've invoked my Martha genes and dove into polymer clay. It's something I've thought about getting into, but never really had the reason - so I made up a reason.
I created these adorable ducks to use as decorations for the party. I was so excited about them. I was waiting to get the little hooks I needed before baking them so they sat on the bookshelf and made me smile every time I looked at my rubber duck army. Over the weekend I got the hooks and rushed home to put them in the ducks and finally bake them - sealing their cuteness forever. I thought I remembered the temp. and I knew I baked my sample one for about 20 minutes. After 15 I smelt something funny . . . the kitchen was full of smoke . . . my nose burned . . . apparently I thought wrong about the temperature.
I killed the ducks. Burnt into a green/black murkiness that took away all aspects of cuteness. I had killed them all. Devastated isn't even the right word - I was horrified! All that work, all that cuteness - gone!
I've now realized that they can be rebuilt - we have the technology . . . look for newer and better ducks, and double checking the oven temperature on the package!
The weekend recap, just in time for the following weekend
This was a big weekend for the little man. He had his first hair cut and went to the punkin patch.
We went to Kids Kutz in Hyde Park where the ladies are very skilled in bobbing and weaving along with the kids. He had fallen asleep on the way there and we woke him up for the haircut. You can tell he looks a little dazed and confused. It played to our favor though - he sat through the whole thing without getting all wiggly like he normally would..JPG)
Now, I know this is just me, but 80 degree weather is not punkin patch weather! The last time Jim and I went to this farm it was cold, sweater weather - you know, that whole season known as fall! He seemed to have a good time, he made new friends, was partially buried in corn, and picked out a few pumpkins. .JPG)
More pics on Flickr . . .
seAts people - seats
My 'a' button isn't always working right now. But can I just say that after first class to Europe coach sucks! Expecting payment for drinks, movies, and food - plus there were no slippers! How primative!
How Old Am I
we have tickets to Frank Calindo tonight, but with a few pre-show drinks I'm thinking bed sounds better!
APB - where'd my sweet little boy go?
Over the last few days JT has become whinny, very very whinny! He seems fine for everyone else, but at home you can tell he's frustrated we can't read his mind (which if we could would consist of "Let me climb on the couch, pull the blinds off the wall, and chew on your power cord or I'm not going to be happy.") Tonight he wanted nothing to do with his dinner - it was bottle only. After dinner I had fudgecicles which he was very interested in. He got that they go in his mouth and he seemed to like the taste, but the cold threw him off a little.
He's really developing his own little personality. He's got his mom's patience (none) and his father's determination (too much), which means he tries something over and over again, progressively getting pissed until he finally figures it out.
Over the weekend we had out first parent mishap. We went to a shoe store looking for giant sizes for Jim and JT took a header off a chair, landing on his head, on the bar of a display case. I felt like an awful mother! He cried for awhile and was fine as soon as food appeared. I cried for much longer than him that evening. I know it's the first of many "boy" incidents, but it was awful!
On the walking front, we have a standing record of 5 steps, he seems to have little interest in walking without furniture to hold onto. I bought a duck push toy stick thing and he carries it around the living room while holding onto the furniture. In his eyes he tells me he knows what I'm trying and he's not going to fall for it. He has taken more interest in his Tonka truck and can get off and on himself and can also get on Bert (his horse) himself too. When I'm not so exhausted I'll get up, plug in the cameras, and post pictures of these events.
Super Mom Genes
I thought moms were supposed to have super genes that kept them protected from illness. Apparently I thought wrong. . . is it wrong to have Nyquil for dinner?
A horrid headache and a couple of presentations kept me up late last night. JT waking at 4 didn't help matters. He ended up in bed with us which wasn't necessarily restful. When he woke again and wanted to play I put him back into his crib and laid down on the floor begging for 10 more minutes.
His first response - to throw pacidog at me. He didn't really seem upset and kept playing so I closed my eyes again. Then I felt him hit me with something else . . . but he didn't have anything else in the crib. He'd taken off his pants and thrown them at me! He was starting no pants Monday with Poppy a little early and was in no mood to wait for me.
His first response - to throw pacidog at me. He didn't really seem upset and kept playing so I closed my eyes again. Then I felt him hit me with something else . . . but he didn't have anything else in the crib. He'd taken off his pants and thrown them at me! He was starting no pants Monday with Poppy a little early and was in no mood to wait for me.
What a week
Since my reading radius is only the tri-state area I'm sure everyone knows what the last week has been like. A week ago Sunday Hurricane Ike rolled through Cincy, bringing wind gusts up to 70 mph. Our power flickerd slightly but never went off. Mom and Dad lost power so they grabbed what was supposed to be dinner at their house and AJ and headed over. Little did we know we were facing the largest power outage in tri-state history. At one like over 90% of Duke customers were without power. Schools and businesses were closed, gas stations ran out of gas, groceries had to through inventory away - it was nuts.
We were some of the lucky few who had power the whole time and that left us as a haven for the rest of the family. It was a little crowded here Monday, but we made it out unscathed.
In the midst of the chaos JT took his first steps. Sunday night he went from me to Jim - 2 steps, unassisted. He's done this a few times now but seems to chicken out after that. At his last appointment Dr. Schroer recommended getting him a good pair of shoes to help the process. We headed out to Stride Ride today and got him measured for his "walkers". I'd been putting him in size 3s and 4s . . . he measured a 5 which means he should be in a 5 and a half. We asked if that was big for a 10 month old . . . the lady looked at us and said, "um, yeah." We picked out a cute pair of fancy gym shoes, plopped down $50 (yes, I said $50!) and walked out. We then went to Dillards and bought Jim 5 shirts for the same price as JT's shoes.
He seems to like them, especially the fact that it makes so much more noise when he kicks things - he is all boy.
We were some of the lucky few who had power the whole time and that left us as a haven for the rest of the family. It was a little crowded here Monday, but we made it out unscathed.
In the midst of the chaos JT took his first steps. Sunday night he went from me to Jim - 2 steps, unassisted. He's done this a few times now but seems to chicken out after that. At his last appointment Dr. Schroer recommended getting him a good pair of shoes to help the process. We headed out to Stride Ride today and got him measured for his "walkers". I'd been putting him in size 3s and 4s . . . he measured a 5 which means he should be in a 5 and a half. We asked if that was big for a 10 month old . . . the lady looked at us and said, "um, yeah." We picked out a cute pair of fancy gym shoes, plopped down $50 (yes, I said $50!) and walked out. We then went to Dillards and bought Jim 5 shirts for the same price as JT's shoes.
He seems to like them, especially the fact that it makes so much more noise when he kicks things - he is all boy.
Only 8 more months to go
I've been trying to get caught up on my scrapbooking, last night I managed to get 4 pages done. One month down, 8 more to go . . . I need to stop sleeping.
On a side note, we went to the doctor on Monday. If you remember from the last appointment in June JT was 28 1/4", 18.8 pds., and had a 17" head. This time he is 32", 23.2 pds., and has an 18" head. He's off the charts for height, 75th-90th for weight and 10th-25th for his head. His head doesn't look small, I'm guessing it'll catch up with him.
I've been trying to find a growth chart online that I can edit and post here but I've been unsuccessful. I'll keep you updated.
Oh - and GAJ . . . NOT YET!
On a side note, we went to the doctor on Monday. If you remember from the last appointment in June JT was 28 1/4", 18.8 pds., and had a 17" head. This time he is 32", 23.2 pds., and has an 18" head. He's off the charts for height, 75th-90th for weight and 10th-25th for his head. His head doesn't look small, I'm guessing it'll catch up with him.
I've been trying to find a growth chart online that I can edit and post here but I've been unsuccessful. I'll keep you updated.
Oh - and GAJ . . . NOT YET!
Figures . . .
Mom, Dad, and I took JT to Harvest Home Parade tonight. I was so excited for his first parade, I figured he'd be all over the people watching, seeing as he's so nosey. The first few minutes he watched the police cars and saw the runners and then promptly fell asleep as the first marching band passed by. He made it almost 15 minutes. He slept though sirens and motorcycles, clowns and politicians (wait, is there a difference?), dogs and horses, and even all the little Shriner cars.
Once the parade was over we packed up and headed home, JT still asleep. Until we hit the driveway, where he woke up, ready to play.
Once the parade was over we packed up and headed home, JT still asleep. Until we hit the driveway, where he woke up, ready to play.
Stupid little Japanese &^%^!
I know, I know you all want video and more pics from vacation - I'll get there eventually, but in the meantime I have to go off on my WiiFit. Tonight I finally had time to hook it all up and I started with the WiiFit Body Test. When I stepped on the board the little computer person called out "Oh!" - I felt like Garfield and was waiting for it to say one at a time please!
It then calculated my BMI, there was a scale that went from under to obese - mine promptly exploded off the top of the chart, called me obese and then porked out my little Mii character. To make it even worse, every time I step on the board it continues to call out "oh!" (to which I respond with language that isn't suitable for a blog that is focused on my son).
I must say it is fun, especially now that Jim's home and trying to balance his mammoth feet on the board! He named his Mii "Fatass" so when he went through the body test it told him to "focus on eating less and lowering his BMI, Fatass."
We've been challenged to a Mario Cart competition by the little Soldanos - but we need to buy Mario Cart first and practice, practice, practice so we can kick some little Soldano butt!
It then calculated my BMI, there was a scale that went from under to obese - mine promptly exploded off the top of the chart, called me obese and then porked out my little Mii character. To make it even worse, every time I step on the board it continues to call out "oh!" (to which I respond with language that isn't suitable for a blog that is focused on my son).
I must say it is fun, especially now that Jim's home and trying to balance his mammoth feet on the board! He named his Mii "Fatass" so when he went through the body test it told him to "focus on eating less and lowering his BMI, Fatass."
We've been challenged to a Mario Cart competition by the little Soldanos - but we need to buy Mario Cart first and practice, practice, practice so we can kick some little Soldano butt!
Hilton Head or Bust!
With some VERY creative packing we were able to fit 4 adults, JT, and all of JT's stuff into a rented Suburban. About 12 hours later we arrived. Friday and Saturday were spent recovering from the car ride. JT really was well behaved, but he is so over the car seat thing.
Sunday we went to Savannah so JT could meet his not-so-secret admirer, Abby! We fought the rain that's plaguing this vacation and managed to walk a little of the river, have dinner, and a little gelato (not as good as in Milan).
Monday everyone else hit the golf course, while Mom, JT, and I went to the beach. He loves the beach! Loves the freedom to crawl and eat sand! The surf is a little rough for him, but he enjoys the water at the pool. Yesterday was more beach time and then long naps and an afternoon of my birthday present . . . a wii! Even dad has been playing some of the games that don't hurt him.
So far this trip JT has figured out how to use a sippy cup, started holding his own bottle when he feels like it, learned to scream even louder than before, gotten his hair trimmed, decided he no longer wants baby food, and has figured out he's a bottom-less pit! The boy is eating a ton of "real" food - the other night he had some baby food, half an order of mac n cheese, cookies, biscuits, and topped it off with a bottle on the way home. It's been so much fun to spend all of this time with him, but it's taking 6 adults to keep him occupied!
They're calling for rain everyday, thanks to Fay or Fran or whatever that tropical storm is. It's okay though, we're making the most of our days. We only have 2 days left before we hit the road! It does fly by.
Check out Flickr for pics
Sunday we went to Savannah so JT could meet his not-so-secret admirer, Abby! We fought the rain that's plaguing this vacation and managed to walk a little of the river, have dinner, and a little gelato (not as good as in Milan).
Monday everyone else hit the golf course, while Mom, JT, and I went to the beach. He loves the beach! Loves the freedom to crawl and eat sand! The surf is a little rough for him, but he enjoys the water at the pool. Yesterday was more beach time and then long naps and an afternoon of my birthday present . . . a wii! Even dad has been playing some of the games that don't hurt him.
So far this trip JT has figured out how to use a sippy cup, started holding his own bottle when he feels like it, learned to scream even louder than before, gotten his hair trimmed, decided he no longer wants baby food, and has figured out he's a bottom-less pit! The boy is eating a ton of "real" food - the other night he had some baby food, half an order of mac n cheese, cookies, biscuits, and topped it off with a bottle on the way home. It's been so much fun to spend all of this time with him, but it's taking 6 adults to keep him occupied!
They're calling for rain everyday, thanks to Fay or Fran or whatever that tropical storm is. It's okay though, we're making the most of our days. We only have 2 days left before we hit the road! It does fly by.
Check out Flickr for pics
Happy Birthday Bubba
More of Europe
I've got some of my other pics uploaded and a few comments trying to remember all the places I saw.
Oh good
"People just aren't honest about their weight. Our law enforcement has come to conclude that that's not a correct way to determine if that's the person you're looking at. Whereas people don't tend to lie about their height. "
This is good news - I've always worried that if I were in a bad accident they'd find my left leg, look at my license and say "We've got her boys, let's go home!"
BTW - I'm hooooome. I think Toots remembers who I am, at least he remembers he likes to pull my hair and chew on my locket.
This is good news - I've always worried that if I were in a bad accident they'd find my left leg, look at my license and say "We've got her boys, let's go home!"
BTW - I'm hooooome. I think Toots remembers who I am, at least he remembers he likes to pull my hair and chew on my locket.
Dissed by George
Varenna is built into the side of a cliff so to get anywhere you have to climb steps. I'm convinced that everyone in Varenna has awesome legs.
We explored some of the gardens and took a zillion pictures of the amazing view. We then jumped on a ferry to Bellagio. We booked tickets on the rapido boat to Como and went for lunch on a phenomenal veranda overlooking the lake.
The guys managed to find a shop with wonderful gifts, but I was too busy trying to find something to take care of an unexpected visit from Aunt Flo. There is nothing in Bellagio - just in case it ever happens to you. So I missed out on the one good shop - thanks Mother Nature.
The rapid boat took us to Como and while I'd love to say I waved at George as we went my his villas I have no clue which was his as there were all gorgeous. The Farmacias were all closed but luckily some nice hotel workers pointed me in the direction of a souvenir shop that sold Aunt Flo accessories. We explored the streets, but most of the shops were closed since it was Sunday. I did manage to buy some scarves and pashmina made in Como from Como silk.
From Como we took the "direct" train, which stopped 8 times, back to Milan. We jumped on the Metro to Navigali (or wherever we went Friday night) and got dinner and walked the canal..JPG)
The street vendors were out in full force, but didn't really have anything unique. The 'skeeters are really bad in this area so we made the trip short and headed back to the hotel. We had layers of sweat and stink on us and our feet were sore for the second day.
I decided to stay in this morning, having stimulated enough of the European economy. We have interviews until 7 so I'm sure we'll have a wonderful dinner somewhere and then head back to pack. I fly out tomorrow at 11:50 - 5:50 home time and get home around 9, 3 am my body's time. Doesn't matter - as long as I get home to my boys tomorrow night!
Next time, I'm bringing a Hover-Round!
We've had a wonderful weekend in Milano, covering much of the city and about half of nearby Lake Como. On Friday night we went to Le Brelin for one of the most wonderful meals I've ever had. I'm not sure what all of it was but I think we tasted over half of the menu. We had osobucco, rissoto, prawns, steak, cannelloni, and proseco (Spumanti sparking wine) - all amazingly delicious. Apparently it's traditional Milanese which is very different than what you expect from Italian food. As we were getting ready to leave the sky opened and the rains came. We had hoped to explore the Navigli area but instead had to waste some time in the bar until it was down to a rough drizzle. We ran for the Metro and finally arrived at the hotel fairly soaked. Walking in the rain in Milan . . . pretty darn cool.
Saturday we walked a zillion miles - literally. We started out at the Duomo, the largest cathedral in Milan..JPG)
We walked the inside and then took the lift to the roof where we could walk around and see the amazing details.
From the Duomo we walked the area, including an amazing department store that ended with lunch on the roof overlooking the top of the Duomo. From there we walked through the Galleria of shops (the most BEAUTIFUL indoor shopping mall) and ventured through the small streets of Milan.
We ended up at the one castle in Milan, now a museum. Not sure what we were looking at as there were no English descriptions, but I have a feeling we saw a lot of really important old stuff. There was a huge fountain in front and both on the way in and out we sat and soaked our soar feet, considering the heat and the layers of sweat covering us, it was rather refreshing. The youthful tourists were jumping in and getting soaked - I try to avoid wet t-shirt contests with clients in tow, so I stuck with getting my feet wet.
From the castle we again walked to St. Ambrogio - one of the oldest churches in Milan. Founded in 380 by St. Ambrogio, who is laid out in a glass casket - skeleton dressed and on display for all to see..JPG)
After the church we took the Metro to Via Papi-somethin or other. On Saturdays it's a huge street market, about 5 blocks long. Full of clothes and shoes and produce and people. You can barely walk through. We browsed but didn't buy.
From the market we headed to Curso Buenos Aries, where the locals shop. It's a street lined with 350 shops that are supposedly "affordable" - HA! But I had a list of 3 "plus size" stores so I set out to try and find myself something fabulous. The shops are different than at home. There are fewer choices both in style and size. T-shirts are even pricey at over $40. And apparently even here it's hard to find something in my size, so I ended up reverting to my favorite shopping target - JT. There was a Chicco store so I bought him a cute jacket.
After "shopping" we headed back to the Duomo area hoping to find a nice restaurant. Apparently they don't exist in the area so we ended up eating food at a cafe that was not worth the price. Feet screaming and smelling like Europeans we headed back to the hotel to call it a night.
Things that make you go hmmm . . ..
So I'm at the facility in Milano (where may I mention it's hot as heck and amazingly enough the small window AC unit isn't helping all that much). There are 3 weird things about the facility and they are all in the bathroom: 1) a bidet - I have one at the hotel too. I always thought a bidet shot right up your bum, but apparently it's like a drinking fountain built into a toilet, but there's no seat. Can you see yourself using a bidet in a "public" facility? Me neither, but definitely not because of point 3. 2) when you flush you have to turn a knob on the wall to the right a certain distance and then you have to turn it back to stop the flushing. So you can control how long the flush is. I think we should build that in at home. 3) What I do NOT want built in is the all mirrored walls. I'm serious - high ceilings to floor the whole thing with the exception of the door and window is one giant mirror! And this bathroom is about three times as big as any of mine. I don't want to watch myself go to the bathroom and I can't imagine anyone wanting to watch themselves use the bidet!
What the heck are these Italians up to?
What the heck are these Italians up to?
Bye bye Berlin
EDITED: Here are some pics from Berlin, including the view from my room, street performer, Checkpoint Charlie, a piece of the wall, and the TV Tower.JPG)
Today we went to Checkpoint Charlie where for 2 euros I got my passport stamped. We visited the museum and took our pictures with a large chunk of the wall.
Then we went to the television tower. You can go up in it but the line was too long. So I split from the guys and went to KaDeWe which is the biggest, best department store I've ever been to. I bought a little something for myself and a few things to share with others. I grabbed Currywurts mit fromme something or other which is sausage with curry sauce and french fries. Then I jumped on the UBahn and came back to the hotel.
After interviews we walked around the square in front of the hotel and sat for hours at a cafe. We talked and people watched - it was wonderful! Kin and I went to grab dinner where he gave me a photography lesson. Hopefully I'll remember some of it and be able to apply it in the future.
Guten nauht!
Then we went to the television tower. You can go up in it but the line was too long. So I split from the guys and went to KaDeWe which is the biggest, best department store I've ever been to. I bought a little something for myself and a few things to share with others. I grabbed Currywurts mit fromme something or other which is sausage with curry sauce and french fries. Then I jumped on the UBahn and came back to the hotel.
After interviews we walked around the square in front of the hotel and sat for hours at a cafe. We talked and people watched - it was wonderful! Kin and I went to grab dinner where he gave me a photography lesson. Hopefully I'll remember some of it and be able to apply it in the future.
Guten nauht!
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