
Save the drama for your mama . . . aw crap, I am your mama.

So for the past several weeks I've been sleeping on the couch because it's too darn hot upstairs. Plus my insomnia keeps the tv on and I don't want to bother Jim.

At 5:00 this morning Charlie woke me up with a horrid screaming/moaning/hissing/merowing. Charlie "talks" he doesn't scream/moan/hiss/merow. I got up to see what was causing the trouble and it turned out we had a visitor on the porch. The black and white cat has visited before, but it was Minnie that gave he/she the talking to last time.

For some this might be a minor annoyance, but not a big deal. However, when you live in an animal shelter every action has a stronger and more annoying re-action. Tink, the gestapo, came running to Charlie's rescue - blaming Daisy (as she always does) with hisses and snarls. Daisy came to her own defense with barking and lunging. Yogi crawled up my back out of fear. I tried removing Charlie from the windowsill, but that didn't work. I tried calming Daisy down, but that didn't work. I tried removing Yogi from my ass, but that didn't work either.

I finally threw on clothes, turned on the porch light and opened the door - that was enough to scare off our visitor and restore the household to peace. Now the only remaining impact is the fact that I'm exhausted!

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