Only 17 pages to go . . .
My goal is to have JT's scrapbook up-to-date by his birthday. I've done the math and that means I have to do 4 pages a week (one week I'll do 5) until his birthday. I've added the four I completed last week (scroll all the way down for those) so that leaves me with 17 more pages. I guess I should stop blogging and get going . . .
Welcome to Toy Land - now move the &*$$ out of my way!
Saturday Karen, Kris, and I woke early and hit the Hamilton County Fairgrounds. We arrived at 7:15 to join a line of 30+. We were all waiting for the same thing . . . cheap toys. After a scary as heck trip to the restroom the doors opened at 8 and we surged into the warehouse.
Talk about chaos. Anyone that remembers McAlpins Midnight Madness sales will appreciate this toy sale. You grabbed - anything and everything! We shoved toys into garbage bags and pushed our way through narrow aisles. Experienced shoppers had parked their husbands along the walls and in corners, throwing full bags at them and heading out for more. It was hunting and gathering - in reverse.
Once you'd pushed your way through the aisles you scurried off with your kill, snarling at others who may look towards your catch. Less desirable items were cast off, to be picked over by others. We surveyed the cast offs of others, grabbing those few things we found worthy.
I cam home with a box of toys 6 times the size of JT. Some items are gifts, others will be tucked away until spring, a few will find their way to his birthday party, or under our tree.
JT had spent the night before with Mimi and Poppy so after picking him up we stopped at the park. He toddled around the playground until he discovered mulch. Apparently it is quite tasty, even better when it's topped with dirt!
Sunday was a relaxing day of naps and PJs. There was a lot to get done, but we let it sit. I'd like to say it was a conscious decision to spend the time with our son, but we were really just lazy.
Tonight I finished JT's birthday party invite. I'll post it once they get mailed out, no sneak previews!
Talk about chaos. Anyone that remembers McAlpins Midnight Madness sales will appreciate this toy sale. You grabbed - anything and everything! We shoved toys into garbage bags and pushed our way through narrow aisles. Experienced shoppers had parked their husbands along the walls and in corners, throwing full bags at them and heading out for more. It was hunting and gathering - in reverse.
Once you'd pushed your way through the aisles you scurried off with your kill, snarling at others who may look towards your catch. Less desirable items were cast off, to be picked over by others. We surveyed the cast offs of others, grabbing those few things we found worthy.
I cam home with a box of toys 6 times the size of JT. Some items are gifts, others will be tucked away until spring, a few will find their way to his birthday party, or under our tree.
JT had spent the night before with Mimi and Poppy so after picking him up we stopped at the park. He toddled around the playground until he discovered mulch. Apparently it is quite tasty, even better when it's topped with dirt!
Sunday was a relaxing day of naps and PJs. There was a lot to get done, but we let it sit. I'd like to say it was a conscious decision to spend the time with our son, but we were really just lazy.
Tonight I finished JT's birthday party invite. I'll post it once they get mailed out, no sneak previews!
Snot, drool, and tears . . . oh my!
Poor JT - he's sick . . . again and he's just cut his 8th tooth. So there's drool from the tooth, snot from the cold, and tears from all of it combined. He's being a trooper though, smiling as much as he can. Here's a little "best of" footage from the last week or so.
Waiting on a Woman
I love Brad Paisley - this is one of his most recent and I cry every time I watch it. It takes me back to "parking" Papa on a bench and telling him "don't let anybody steal you" while we shopped.
Yes J, I know you're crying - I warned you when I said I cried!
Yes J, I know you're crying - I warned you when I said I cried!
It's good to be home - snot and all
I've been enjoying my day with my boys although I could do without the constant flow of snot from JT's nose. I'm wondering if he has alergies, I can't imagine another cold so soon.
My bag showed up around 12 so all is right with the world, Carrie World at least.
My bag showed up around 12 so all is right with the world, Carrie World at least.
Dead Ducks Tell No Tales
So for those of you who don't know, which shouldn't be any of you, JT's first birthday party will be a duck-tacular experience. We've got rubber ducks going out the keester and I am making this a party that he will never remember, but the rest will never forget.
As part of this process I've invoked my Martha genes and dove into polymer clay. It's something I've thought about getting into, but never really had the reason - so I made up a reason.
I created these adorable ducks to use as decorations for the party. I was so excited about them. I was waiting to get the little hooks I needed before baking them so they sat on the bookshelf and made me smile every time I looked at my rubber duck army. Over the weekend I got the hooks and rushed home to put them in the ducks and finally bake them - sealing their cuteness forever. I thought I remembered the temp. and I knew I baked my sample one for about 20 minutes. After 15 I smelt something funny . . . the kitchen was full of smoke . . . my nose burned . . . apparently I thought wrong about the temperature.
I killed the ducks. Burnt into a green/black murkiness that took away all aspects of cuteness. I had killed them all. Devastated isn't even the right word - I was horrified! All that work, all that cuteness - gone!
I've now realized that they can be rebuilt - we have the technology . . . look for newer and better ducks, and double checking the oven temperature on the package!
The weekend recap, just in time for the following weekend
This was a big weekend for the little man. He had his first hair cut and went to the punkin patch.
We went to Kids Kutz in Hyde Park where the ladies are very skilled in bobbing and weaving along with the kids. He had fallen asleep on the way there and we woke him up for the haircut. You can tell he looks a little dazed and confused. It played to our favor though - he sat through the whole thing without getting all wiggly like he normally would..JPG)
Now, I know this is just me, but 80 degree weather is not punkin patch weather! The last time Jim and I went to this farm it was cold, sweater weather - you know, that whole season known as fall! He seemed to have a good time, he made new friends, was partially buried in corn, and picked out a few pumpkins. .JPG)
More pics on Flickr . . . http://flickr.com/photos/catsmine/sets/72157607901180660/
seAts people - seats
My 'a' button isn't always working right now. But can I just say that after first class to Europe coach sucks! Expecting payment for drinks, movies, and food - plus there were no slippers! How primative!
How Old Am I
we have tickets to Frank Calindo tonight, but with a few pre-show drinks I'm thinking bed sounds better!
APB - where'd my sweet little boy go?
Over the last few days JT has become whinny, very very whinny! He seems fine for everyone else, but at home you can tell he's frustrated we can't read his mind (which if we could would consist of "Let me climb on the couch, pull the blinds off the wall, and chew on your power cord or I'm not going to be happy.") Tonight he wanted nothing to do with his dinner - it was bottle only. After dinner I had fudgecicles which he was very interested in. He got that they go in his mouth and he seemed to like the taste, but the cold threw him off a little.
He's really developing his own little personality. He's got his mom's patience (none) and his father's determination (too much), which means he tries something over and over again, progressively getting pissed until he finally figures it out.
Over the weekend we had out first parent mishap. We went to a shoe store looking for giant sizes for Jim and JT took a header off a chair, landing on his head, on the bar of a display case. I felt like an awful mother! He cried for awhile and was fine as soon as food appeared. I cried for much longer than him that evening. I know it's the first of many "boy" incidents, but it was awful!
On the walking front, we have a standing record of 5 steps, he seems to have little interest in walking without furniture to hold onto. I bought a duck push toy stick thing and he carries it around the living room while holding onto the furniture. In his eyes he tells me he knows what I'm trying and he's not going to fall for it. He has taken more interest in his Tonka truck and can get off and on himself and can also get on Bert (his horse) himself too. When I'm not so exhausted I'll get up, plug in the cameras, and post pictures of these events.
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